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Satirical Silicon

I built this project solely for fun, but ended up learning a ton, and even giving a presentation about it at the July Seattle AI Tinkerers event! I love satirical comedy like the Onion, so I tested to see if GPT-4 was any good at making satirical humour, and sure enough, it's pretty funny! I went for tech news because the tech industry is so absurd, a goldmine for deadbeat comedy. I wanted to see if I could create a satirical news site that uses AI to generate the articles. I used LangChain to generate the articles using a chain of GPT-4 completions, and I built the site with Next.js and Tailwind. It uses a Vercel cron job and a Next.js API route to automate the posting of the content. I still have a lot of fun with this project, and I hope to continue to build it out and make it better. I'm also working on a way to monetize it, so that I can make a few bucks from it, but I'm not holding my expectations are pretty low lol.


Tech Stack

Next.js icon


TypeScript icon


Tailwind icon


Langchain icon


OpenAI icon



  1. GPT-4 is a real comedian
  2. I'm getting really good at spinning up a functional web app in a few hours
  3. Langchain is incredibly powerful when yielded properly.
  4. Vercel cron jobs are very convienient.
